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Do you think realism pays off?

I'm 18 and I'm third year at high-school. I'm working hard every day, 5-6 hours per day in order to get myself well prepared for my sculpture studies.I strongly prefer realism rather than post-modernism and things like that. Are there any chances that it'll put some money in my pocket when I finish my studies?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Greek playwright Aristophanes said, "Let each man exercise the art he knows." There are bad artists who make a ton of money and there are great artists who die broke...and vise versa. The most important thing is passion. You must be passionate about what you are doing, otherwise you wont have the desire to weather the storm (of not making much money). Also, if you are passionate about what you are doing it will show in your work...and if you're not that will show too. No one chooses a life in the arts for the money, they choose it because they are artists and that's just what they do. Beyond that...yes, I think the majority of the public prefers realism over post-modern. Is there a chance that you can put SOME money in your pocket? Definitely. It is also the type of profession where you can become stinking rich and famous. Good luck and follow your dreams!