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Can anyone recommend a good horror author?

I have been having trouble finding a good horror author and need someone to recommend one for me please. Your help will be very much appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you like to be creeped out, and you haven't read Daphne du Maurier's later stuff, you ought to check it out. I know that she's better known for gothic-romantic-type stuff like Rebecca, but that's not really representative of her work as a whole. Du Maurier wrote the story that the Hitchcock movie The Birds was based on, and it is a lot different--and much, MUCH scarier--than the movie. Some of her other stories are Don't Look Now, The Apple Tree, and Not After Midnight (which gave me nightmares for 2 or 3 days). It's not really slasher-type stuff--well, most of it isn't--but it's incredibly disturbing and creepy: the kind of stories you have a hard time shaking off.