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Is the Scientific American Book Club a good deal?

I saw an advertisement in scientific american for the scientific american book club. It says you can buy three books from the list for $1.99 each. Are there any catches? Someone who is subscribed to this please tell me more details about it and if they would recommend it. thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes, I've been a member for years. Most of their books are half the price of what you would pay in the stores (including shipping). I'm a member of The science fiction book club and the history book club also and I very rarely buy a book in a bookstore anymore. Also, book clubs offer editions that you can't buy in stores. People say negative things about them, but I have never had a negative experience with one. They are a good deal. The catch is you have to buy so many of their books, I don't know what the requirement is now. It was 4 books I think when I joined. It's a great club. Just remember to send your reply in every month.