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Why are the kids more competitive and dirty thatn the adults?

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3 days ago
In theatre specifically, there are those kids (a lot of them) that are total back stabbers, and are so nasty! Yes, it is a competition in some ways, but really you should do it for the love of theatre. If you get it great! it should be about making yourself better to get the part. Not to be better than the other girl who is auditioning. it drives me crazy! my daughter gets this stuff all the time, and she can't stand it!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
In theatre specifically, there are those kids (a lot of them) that are total back stabbers, and are so nasty! Yes, it is a competition in some ways, but really you should do it for the love of theatre. If you get it great! it should be about making yourself better to get the part. Not to be better than the other girl who is auditioning. it drives me crazy! my daughter gets this stuff all the time, and she can't stand it!