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What would you do if you were married to your business and was out and met someone married to theirs ?

My business comes first in my life, I love it, I enjoy it but.... when I meet someone like me I know "don't go there". I know many people will give different idea's about love should come first but this is the real world and I would like to know if any two people have gotten together and stayed together when they each are married to their own business.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm kind of hoping that when I find someone, they have a passion in their own business, and we would be able to overlap with our help and support. I think I can't do it any other way. Because, As an artist, my schedule can change abruptly, and I would be able to understand theirs did too. It's important to share outlooks and viewpoints and respect for each other's passions. You can both learn from each other, but can't control each other. Because passions can be so demanding, they have to overlap so you share. I know how demanding it can be and I can't put anyone through that unless we both shared each others goals and passions. Otherwise it is not a real relationship that will last.