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In the book Fight Club - what happens at the end?

I just read the book - and I'm not sure what happened at the end... He has a gun in his mouth on top of the building, blows off his cheek... And does he die? Or does he end up in a mental institution? I'm leaning toward the latter, since they bring him meds on a tray - and he thinks that they psych doctors are God...but I'm looking for some confirmation. What do you think?? Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yeah, I think you've hit it pretty much straight on (though with Palahniuk's writing style) it's not so easy to be sure!

The "ending" was omitted from the movie, I'm guessing so it would have a much more of a "happy" (if you can call it that) ending.

BTW, I highly recommend reading Palahniuk's other novels...intense!