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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Does anyone have any good Harry Potter theories?


Does anyone have any good Harry Potter theories?

just wondering........i have some that i posted the other day. but they were long and i'm feeling lazy right now so i dont really want to retype them..........

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think I saw your other theories. I seem to look at every Harry related question. :)

Well I for one believe Remus Lupin will die...*tear* Yes I know.
He is the only surviving person who can tell Harry anything bout his parents. Also he has done so much for Harry...I think next time he tries to help....well unfortunately he may not make it. I have a feeling Fenrir Greyback will kill him...

I think also Neville will die. Neville has been Underdog for like the whole series...its time he has done something heroic. I think when Voldy tries to kill Harry; Neville will jump in front taking Harry's place giving Harry time to kill Voldemort once and for all.

And that leads to Voldy dieing. You can't end the series with the bad guy alive can you? Thats just dumb. =b

I am one person though who thinks Harry will survive. Many people talk about how he's gonna die and all...but why make him come this far, and become so strong and kill him? Why?
I hope he lives atleast.

Ohh..I love Harry Potter questions. :)