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Help with writing?

okay i'm not a very good writer, but i need help
It was one steaming hot afternoon. So hot that you could fry an egg on the side of the street. So my sister and I decided to spend our day at the pool. We brought all of our scuba diving gear : flippers, floaties, and a bag of rubber neon fish. (My sister and I appeared at the pool looking like two...) I (hastily) threw in the bag of rubber neon colored fish as they floated in the pool with the other colorful toys in the pool.

in the parathenses about my sister and i looking blah blah. can you think of something that cute little kids would dress up as going to the pool with goggles and giagantic flippers and swimming toys and floaties on their arms. like cute stuff. please something serious.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It was one steaming hot afternoon. (deleted cliche). Heat waves made even the streets and buildings look like they were melting. So my sister and I decided to spend our day at the pool. We brought all of our swimming gear; flippers, floaties, goggles and a bag of rubber neon fish. Rachel and I appeared at the pool looking like two miniature Miami Beach tourists in our colorful oversized sunglasses, flip flops and floral print wraps. I dumped the bag of rubber neon colored fish in the pool. They seemed grateful for the respite from the heat. We quickly slid our water wings onto our arms and jumped in after them, screaming with excitement.