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Anyone have anything to say about magic and technology in the Chronicles of Narnia Book?

I am having an online discussion for one of my classes, and I read the book and saw the movie, and I am starting to feel like I read something different than everyone else. Any opinions on magic and technology in the movie and emphasis on the book.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Lewis felt that technology separated humanity from nature. Narnia is a medieval world, preindustrial. In the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, when Edmund is walking toward the witch's castle to betray his siblings, his thoughts are on how he could improve the country by making roads and railways, even outfitting his castle with a movie theater. These thoughts make him feel better about the wicked thing he is about to do - they distract him.

A similar stream of though happens to Eustace Scrubb, when he finds himself on the Dawn Treader (in Voyage of the Dawn Treader). He thinks that everything is uncivilized - because it is not scientifically advanced, it is second-rate.

As for magic, it is both good and bad in Narnia. Obviously the witches in the series use bad magic, designed to lead them into (or keep them in) power. But there is also good magic - the wardrobe itself is magical, Aslan speaks of a Deep Magic that was put into place by the creator of Narnia. Lewis doesn't see magic as good or bad - it is in its use that the goodness/badness is inherent.