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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What are your views on the world 200years from now?


What are your views on the world 200years from now?

the technology, the cultures etc? is the world going to be run by one country..if so which country??I just wanna know the views of people on how the world might look like 200years from now

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: its hard to tell but i would agree that all the small islands may be non-existand because of the rising sea level brought about by global warming...cultures and values might not change drastically coz if yu look at it the values and ethics that were in place 200years ago; they r still here today maybe slightly changed but generally the same concepts..
the technological advancements are going to be major...and yeah i do think the world will be under one ruling party...i would think by russians or this point wwiii is inevitable