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I need a good place to submit poetry?

i need a list of magazines or something that publish poetry by amateurs and preferably, ones that pay : }

contests are good too.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Writer's Market is one place to start. It gives not just a list of publishers, but a line or two about exactly what they might accept.

It helps to know something about the publications. Some want nothing but rhyme, others won't go near rhyme. Some love political, others love, others ...

There is also a quality factor that changes as you go up the food chain. Publications such as "The Paris Review" or "The New Yorker" pay a little for poetry. Most places pay only in copies.

Even Robert Frost had to teach to make a living, in his own words "Poetry won't pay the light bill." If you consider yourself an amateur, you may have the best luck with school or church newsletters. If you write like an amateur, don't expect anyone to pay more than copies, and expect to paper your place with rejections rather than copies. It's just the nature of the beast.

Good luck.