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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> The producer from "Pirates" sent mail back saying I can not send him m


The producer from "Pirates" sent mail back saying I can not send him my pitch bc it might lead to plagarism?

jerry bruckheimer
So, what should I do now????? (And you better have a real answer! If someone says Idk to just get points or anything, i will seriousley go crazy on you!)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If he looks at your idea, and then poo poos it, and years down the road is slightly involved in a production that has a similar theme or content to what you sent him, then you can sue his butt off.

He's just protecting himself from a lot of litigation later.

That's why you need an agent to shop your material around. For your protection too. You should be suspicious of any Hollywood professional that is willing to "look over" your script directly.