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What makes life worth living?

Serious question. We all have to deal with pain and suffering in our lives, we have to do things we don't like to do just to make it in life. Life is full of pain and misery. Very few people decide to end it themselves, so what makes you keep living even though life is full of crap? I don't think I know the answer to it, but something inside of me tells me to keep living, that tells me to hang on... I don't know, maby it's the curiousity to find out what the future will be like, maby something great will happen to me one day.

What makes life worth living to you, and why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Jesus. I trust in His plan for my life, even if it is full of pain, I know that heaven is at the end of it, and that gives me HOPE! This hope is based on objective truth, not subjective wishings. I can have peace and joy no matter what my circumstances because of my faith in Jesus and His sovereign control over everything.