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Skin of molten gold, eyes of pure diamond, more valuable then life itself, Beauty beyond eyes sight cannot be Witnessed anywhere else. A love like this cannot be put into words. A Love so deep that it hurts. A love so passionate its hot. It overtakes us, starting at the very base, the soles of our shoes and climbs slowly up past our calfs, past our knees, Faster and faster until we are surrounded by its whirling, swirling faster and faster surrounded by the love of each other. It ventures up, up into our stomachs and reaches deep into our body and draws forth each soul bringing them together side by side, a pulsing purple ball of energy from each of us. then for one solid minute silence. And then.. ever so slowly they shutter, vibrate?? and clash into each other becoming one intense deep blood red ball of energy. And then as fast as it came it vanishes into thin air always there but invisible to the human eye.

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3 days ago
Yes I did Write this Poem For my Loving Girlfriend

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
Yes I did Write this Poem For my Loving Girlfriend