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Pendragon pilgrims of rayne?

Can anyone explain to me what happened in the end? I just finished it and understood until the last couple pages.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That's the mystery. You're not supposed to know what happened, because that's how DJ makes Saint Dane and Nevva work.

The chemistry between has led lots of people to think more along the...dare I say it..."sexual" lines. Well, people on that dumbass forum, anyway.

See, the whole "flew/walked/ran/drove" (I can't remember the word DJ used, and frankly I don't care--I hated PoR) into the Convergence leads people to think that The Convergence itself may be a place rather than an event.

I, personally, still believe it's an event of cataclysmic proportions where the single territories will clash and pour into each other, causing some widespread pandemonium/war that the Travelers will not be able to sway one way or the other.

So, honestly, the ending, in my opinion, is ambiguous, so you can decide for yourself what's going on until we find out for sure in Book 9.