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I Am Then Cheese?

I just read it and dont really get what happened!!! Can you help me with a basic summary??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok i actually know what book you are talking the beginning the kid is riding his bicycle right? so he is riding to wherever he is going..i dont remember.. but anyway he is telling you what happened to him...his family had to change their identity and move. and he starts to figure this out (cuz he was little when it happened) and as he realizes it, other people do too. but not good people. the people who are after his family. so he and his family try to flee but their car gets blown up. and his parents are killed in the accident. but he survives with serious head trauma. so now he is stuck in a mental hospital. and everyday he rides around the campus.
this is just a guess but...i think this all happened many years ago and so now he is like 25 instead of 15. so im guessing that the girl he kept trying to call has moved..