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Which side did the US state of Missouri support during the American Civil War?

I'm interested in the American Civil War, but cannot find much data on the role played by Missouri. Did they remain neutral or take sides? I find it strange that with it being centralised state, that it didn't play a larger part in that bloody conflict.
Detailed answers would be much appreciated. Thanks.
An Englishman.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: People in Missouri supported both sides. and officially both sides counted Missouri on their side. And if you count the border war with Kansas then Missouri was quasi fighting the civil war before the civil war officially began.
In all honesty the majority of the citizens of Missouri were on the southern side.
The Union gained control of Missouri by early 1862, but the guerrilla warfare that ensued somewhat made this irrelevant.

At the time of the admission of the state of Kansas territories could decide if they were to be free state or slaves states. Missouri was a slave state and became the launching pad and support base for pro slavery elements and guerrilla's in Kansas. Naturlly this also spilled back over into Missouri.
The Freelanders was a abolitionist organization that would pay for abolitionist settlers to settle in territories in order to tip the popular vote for a free state.
The history of Kansas & Missouri are intertwined another and with the civil war, and even after the civil war by no means was this matter settled, nor was either state a peaceful place to live.