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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I wrote this poem... tell me what you think?


I wrote this poem... tell me what you think?

Its kinda short, but tell me what you think about it

Summer Rain

I stand alone,
And subtle wind flows by.
As I catch my breath,
I close my eyes,
And count the seconds as they go by.
Silence fills the air;
Clouds block the sun,
The light sudden darkens.
I make no movements,
No words spoken.
Rain slowly starts to pour.
The imposibility of summer rains,
grasping the opertunity;
Overpower the sun.
But victory was short lived,
As the sun did rise again.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Inspiring. Beautiful. Don't change a word. It's perfect. I love it. I hope you can get it published. One thing... Its opportunity not opertunity.