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How the pleasures can be brought in life ?

i am very upset and want pleasure . what to do ..Would you like to be my friend

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are two kinds of pleasure. The temporary pleasure and The true pleasure. Temporary pleasure can bought by money. Those are the gadgets, jewelries, sex or in short LUXURY. The same as the temporary pleasure, true pleasure can be bought also but not by the money instead, it can bought by who you are or what kind of person are you.
Some rich people has the temporary pleasure only. They cant buy the true pleasure.They don't know how to make friends or to associate with the poor ones. But look at those poor individuals, they are happy. Why? they have no money to buy those expensive cars, cellphones, rings but still they are happy. They have the true pleasure, they have their true friends and they have the faith in God.