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Polynesian Surname?

My last name is Mumea. My dad said it comes from Samoa.
I did research on Polynesian surnames and found some that were similar, but not qiute it. I found that it's the name of a huge ugly poisonous fish in Samoa (Polynesian island) but no people with the name. I've tried the sites like geneology and ancestory, but all I find is people in the US, most of whom I'm related. It's a very rare name. Any ideas on how I can find it's true origin, or did I? Did my ansestors take the name of a fish?

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3 days ago
I spelled my question correctly. Nice to see that you're showing me your stupidity.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
I spelled my question correctly. Nice to see that you're showing me your stupidity.