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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Whats the most beautiful thing u have ever seen?

Question:yeah, yeah, in the eye of the be holder. Every body will think somthing else is better looking than another, but whats the most beautiful thing u have ever seen.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yeah, yeah, in the eye of the be holder. Every body will think somthing else is better looking than another, but whats the most beautiful thing u have ever seen.
my reflection on the mirror.
My daughter after her 1st bath at the hospital
Depends but if you don't include imagination then you mean in nature. Beauty is seen as the complexity of patterns in something. I think pure golden honey is very nice since it has a glow.
I saw a double rainbow on the way to work. both rainbows were so vivid. I wish I had my camera with me. people were stopping on the side of the road to see it. it was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen.
A five minute old baby horse--a foal--looking at the world for the first time, with the dam nuzzling it.
my son moments after his birth.
the most beautiful thing i ever saw? well, a woman,yes!no doubt,a woman.
the Aurora Borealis aka Northern Lights from an airplane window in absolute darkness. breathtaking and awe inspiring.
a child's smile
A mother and child resting together by water fountain in Paris.
I took apicture and is blownup postersize and is hanging in my rec room.
nature and the world. Ever watched the moon and stars? the sun setting or rising, a tree, a flower......the sea!
First off, let me say that I was abandoned when I was six by both parents and always wanted to find my parents.
After thirty-three years without a birth certificate, the government came after me. I prayed for two months, two hours a day straight and had a vision.'
An angel came to me, gave me a bouquet of roses and told me that I would find my mother in three weeks. It was the most beautiful thing, a being made of light. When the light died down and I could finally see the face, it was white as marble, perfect and the shadows beneath the lips and nose were pale blue-grey. Yes, it had wings, with feathers. I was terrified at first and asked if I had made God mad. The angel touched me, smiled and I was infused with such warmth I thought I'd die. "God loves you so," It said and gave me the bouquet of roses.
I went to immigration and social security, something which I had done several times before, but this time they helped me and three weeks later, they found my mother. This is the God's honest truth. I am writing a book about it and the fact that I've only recently found my father. I will never forget the angel in that vision or the feeling I got when it touched me. Beautiful...