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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Why are there only 2 genders in the world that we know of?

Question:Why isn't there 3? or 4? or 5? ...

(sorry. I didnt know where to put this)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why isn't there 3? or 4? or 5? ...

(sorry. I didnt know where to put this)
Good question... I really don't know.
Because in order for a species to reproduce there must be a male and a female (with the exception of a few)
Actually, there are some theories that exist right now that state there ARE more than 2 genders in this world. Check this link for info on a book about it:

Also check out this Wiki link that goes to define the "Third Gender" and more:
well um ya there are only two genders male and female. good job using ur imagination =)
We have 3 genders. Masculine, Feminine and Neuter. These descriptions speak for themselves.
God wanted it that way !!! Besides if there were too many genders the problems would have been much more as we see that even with two genders so much problems are already there. So in a way God has helped us with less problems with two genders !!!!
Because it's the simplest method of naturally continuing our genes. Asexual reproduction requires a great deal of chemical energy, and multiple genders are biologically more complicated than necessary, and so nature selects against them.

Basically, your answer is Darwin.
There's something called a chimera which means that a person is male & female or 2 people in one body. I thought that might be interesting. go to the link on the bottom to see a video of a show on two chimeras!