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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Reasons Pablo Picasso was a non conformist?

Question:Can any one give any reasons or examples as to how Picasso
can be tittled a non conformist, what he did what his style was and why he had that style....what he is trying to accomplish by being anon conformist.

What is he trying to say with his art and why he did art like that.....
stuff like this. and if you can can you put a source.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can any one give any reasons or examples as to how Picasso
can be tittled a non conformist, what he did what his style was and why he had that style....what he is trying to accomplish by being anon conformist.

What is he trying to say with his art and why he did art like that.....
stuff like this. and if you can can you put a source.
Because he was interested in life and was curious about many things of the art world. He invented and was innovative because he was continually experimenting with painting and drawing and designing and making sculpture and ceramics. He read about things and was a man of action. He did not stay in bed all day or dream or talk of doing things. He got on with the job of making drawings, painting paintings and inventing lines and marks and styles and shapes and exploring the way things are shown from cubism and perspective. He made etchings and lithographs and posters.
He was a prodigous creator at the forefront of the art world. Of course he was non onformist because he was leading and showing the way things could be if you used your mind, your eyes, your hands and your observation and your communication skills.
he was a genius, and he was simply finding his own way in the world.
He live a life that we would call 'flying Solo'