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How have you contributed to the world?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I contributed to the population of the world by being born by not eating beef--cows produce methane when they (i think) digest, and methane is a greenhouse gas. i know i'm just one measly little person but that is what i have contributed. i have also contributed by not being like the rest of the them. the world needs more independent minds. by fighting injustices that fester the world for example, leading demos against big pharmas I am not greedy, malicious and/or homicidal. That makes me "better" than the worlds self proclaimed "elites" :)) Additionally, i tend to be helpful, generous and kind as much as possible. And, i offer free Reiki workshops regularly. Not too bad, i feel. :))) Pollution. Over-population. Environmental degredation. I contribute to the opression that is globalization. I will die leaving my children, hopefully they will be better contributions than I am - which eventually will be just ash for the earth.