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What does the term classical mean in the subject of art?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Strictly speaking, "classical" refers only to the art of ancient Greece and Rome. More modern art can be in the "classical school" - really neo-classical, or classical revival.
The term "classical" is bantered around loosely in many ways. For example, it is sometimes used broadly to mean "traditional" or "original," as in "classical Mannerism" or "classical Impressionism," in an attempt to distiguish the originators of what came to be known as that style from those who expanded its reach later. It really has come to mean whatever the user wants it to mean. Think of "classical music" and what that can mean to different listeners! I believe that "classical" art refers to greek/roman times. but i don't think that "classical" is really a finite art history term. I think ORIGINAL its a classic! Hi,

In as much as you would call Classical Music, Classic.
Classical Art, or Classical Music, would be considered
"Traditional" in all it's aspects. Maybe Mordern Art
will considered Classical in the next 500 years or so.
Time will tell. Influenced by the Greeks. The Classical period falls between the Baroque and the Romantic periods. about 14th-15th century

This is after the Renaissance or a best an extension, taking dimensional, that a 3-D perspective look with a 2-D field (the canvas).

it garnishes everything learned throughout the byzantine, mannerism, the baroque through to romanticism.

Just as the Byzantine empire represented the political continuation of the Roman Empire, Byzantine art developed out of the art of the Roman empire, which was itself profoundly influenced by ancient Greek art. Byzantine art never entirely lost sight of this classical heritage. (5th Century up to the Renaissance period)

Classical art as taught by the masters, developed a new thinking.