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ATTENTION all smart people!Can you help me?

Well, my teacher assigned the class an art project based on our Egyptian God.My god is Anubis.He(*HINT ANUBIS IS A BOY) is the god of the dead.Whoever has the best project gets an mp3 player.Please do not give me ideas such as(*OH AND ALSO IF THESE IDEAS STINK PLEASE TELL ME):
-a pop up book based on legendsabout Anubis
-mad libs Anubis style
-colored and drawn picture of Anubis
But great ideas are appreciated I will give whoever has the most really good ideas gets the best answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Man, I used to be great at stuff like this.
First, get a good color pic of Anubis. Then, get some chicken wire and form a six foot tall Anubis. If that's too big, then form a three foot one. I always liked to work with large art. (Hopefully you have some artistic abilities. Shouldn't be hard though. Just make a good hollow man out of the chicken wire and instead of a man head, make the head with a long snout.
Now for the good part. Papier machier. Newspaper, a little flour and water and there you have it. Yes, you can do it. Lay the paper all over the gosh-darn thing, let it dry and then paint it. Of course you'll have to paint the face with lots of eye liner and you'll have to make a ceremonial clothe skirt or loin clothe and hat out of the papier machier as well. Make a scepter and paint it gold. Then bring that into school. I bet no one will have a better project. Make a small statue of Anubis Why don't you get a couple of your friends together who are not in the class and act out a very short play about the Egyptian God. The play could be a comedy complete with costume, simple backdrop, some props, etc. Make sure to mix real facts of your research into your dialogue. Be creative. Make an sarcophugus of Anubis. Greek and Roman mythology also had gods who escorted the dead. Anubis would be the earliest recorded god of the dead. perhaps depictions of various gods of the dead through history and around the world. good luck. Make a movie!