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Well, my teacher assigned the class an art project based on our Egyptian God.My god is Anubis.He(*HINT ANUBIS IS A BOY) is the god of the dead.Whoever has the best project gets an mp3 player.Please do not give me ideas such as(*OH AND ALSO IF THESE IDEAS STINK PLEASE TELL ME):
-a pop up book based on legendsabout Anubis
-mad libs Anubis style
-colored and drawn picture of Anubis
But great ideas are appreciated I will give whopever has the most really good ideas gets the best answer award

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think the pop up book idea is great. Or you could do a slide show.

I think a colored picture is overdone. Good luck. I think you should do something in flash. Have some info about Anubis, some fade in and fade outs, and some catchy Egyptian music.

If you don't know Flash I would suggest PowerPoint.