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Does anyone have good ideas for an Egyptian themed art project?

Well, my teacher assigned the class an art project based on our Egyptian God.My god is Anubis.He(*HINT ANUBIS IS A BOY) is the god of the dead.Whoever has the best project gets an mp3 player.Please do not give me ideas such as(*OH AND ALSO IF THESE IDEAS STINK PLEASE TELL ME):
-a pop up book based on legendsabout Anubis
-mad libs Anubis style
-colored and drawn picture of Anubis
But great ideas are appreciated I will give whopever has the most really good ideas gets the best answer award

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Create a burial chamber using a shoe box. Do some research to find what would be in the chamber and recreate it. See if you can find a photo of his sarcophagus, shrink it to size and build the coffin and glue the photo on top. You'll need spray paint, glue, cardboard and even sand for the floor! Good luck! Yes, I can help you there
-You can make a diorama
-You can make a sculptor
-You can make a symbol picture: a symbol and inside the symbol you draw hints about him.)
-You can paint a picture
-You can make a magazine
Hope this helps. I have a friend who has a life size paper mache(sp) head of Anubis. It was made for a play several years ago. It's very cool. She wore it with some black leotards and then lots of kinda shimery stuff over them.
Carry an Ankh