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If God lives outside of time where is that? How did anyone get that idea?

Many Christians in particular think that God lives in some world where time does not exist. It shows a great lack of the understanding of what time is. Time is one moment after another not our measurement of time.
If He lived outside of time He could have no new thoughts, make no new decisions, stop any creative actions because He is frozen in timelessness. He is bored because nothing is new He knows all that will happen. What kind of God is this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: God neither lives in time, or outside of time. God already lives in Eternity and He created 'time'. That is why He called Himself "I AM", because He has no beginning, and He has no end, the 'Alpha and Omega'. God is Spirit, not "a spirit". Sevensun has hit it on the head. God is in you. The inner voice that refrains you from many bad things. When you die He is still with you!