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What is your opinion of Mormons?

I am a Mormon and just wanted to know what people think about them.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have never met any personally, but I do like their family values (which is about all I know about them lol)
I think they have the right to practice any religion they choose. I have no reason to belive they are weird or strange, well not any more than the next guy really!!

EVERYONE has their faults and EVERYONE has their good points. Generally, I consider them a rather unexciting bunch. However, you can generally trust them not to mug you. you are very nice and always glad to help! I have a Mormom friend, from college.

As long as he doesn't try to "convert," or tell me about his religion, I'm okay.

I don't throw being Catholic in the face of my friends, and I expect them to respect me and my faith, as I do theirs. I don't like how they treat their women
Smells of male dominance and woman servitude As with any religion it has jaded itself into a confy little corner.