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What is does modular mean?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: mod·u·lar (m?j'?-l?r) pronunciation

1. Of, relating to, or based on a module or modulus.
2. Designed with standardized units or dimensions, as for easy assembly and repair or flexible arrangement and use: modular furniture; modular homes.
3. Mathematics.
1. Of or relating to fields having a characteristic greater than zero.
2. Of or relating to structured equivalence classes. Source(s): Depends on the context.

In terms of modular housing it generally means "factory built" in modules that are then bolted to each other in various schemes to make a total housing unit. Modular refers to parts can be put together in different ways to form an object or to enlarge it. Some examples: parts of pre-fabricated houses, which are put together to form different floor plans. Or: a book case, which you can enlarge by buying other pieces, as you need more space.