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What is your favourite subject to discuss?

Be specific.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: destiny fate supernatural science Life because its the most important thing to feel good about. conspiracy theories, or basically anything unknown

leaves alot of room for discussion or thought, no factoid can chime in and end the conversation with a smart comment Skippy say favorite subject to discuss is quantum physics. Most likely string theory or perhaps the writings of physicist Frank Tipler.
I also like giraffes and words that begin with B. romance, my dear. evolution.i've been asked, if we evolved from apes, why aren't todays apes still evolving? my answer is alien intervention. if you crossed an ape with the hairless, big eyed alien(similar to E.T.) i think the human being could be the result. all thru history, reference is made to ,what we call spacemen like images.i think our time here on earth is a training period, a learning period, to prepare us for the next level. we are not so priviledged to be the only lifeform,there is so much open space out there. i see our body as a cocoon, just as a beautiful butterfly emerges, i reckon we emerge somewhere else. i am sorry that i am not a compentant writer or speaker, but i hope i've said enuff, well enuff, for you to have some idea as to where i am coming from.