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Can anyone suggest some really pretty piano music?

I went to the music store to buy some sheet music, but after I got there, I had no idea of which one to buy. Is there a website online where I could listen to piano music being played and then buy it? I can play somewhat advanced music. Thank you very much!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: moonlight sonata,anything motzart i like carmen carman carmon idk how to spell it llol go to Scott's music dot com and listen to your music or search on line for the song Fanfare 2000 its a great song for piano!!! Sheet music - Mendelsohn, Tchaykovsky, Chopin, if you want both to practice and to enjoy. As their pieces vary from the easiest ones to those that demand really a high performance, you will be able to play them rather long.

And there are several good sites where you can hear music before buying it, but I lost the links last time my PC had a breakdown. :( Sorry. Gymnopédie No.1 2 3 and 4 by Erik Satie.

No.1 is simple yet beautiful.