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I have to make a crtitique in art class about the picture "christina's world" by andrew Wyeth....HELP!

okay this is worth a ton of our grade like 70% and she said its not gonna be easy to even pass it. But i need help. can you tell me HOw exactly to make on, or if you would can you write one down for me plz?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well first you should refer to it as a painting not a picture, teachers can look at things like that and discredit you for it. and a critique? well i don't have time to write one but i found one for you. sorry, i hope this is of some help... Source(s): You should take into consideration the composition of the piece, what is close up and what is far away. How is the painting divided into sections? What colors are used and what emotions they evoke? Are they saturated or muted? Look at the girl's twisted position, back to the viewer, reaching out. There are two dwellings, why? Where is attention to detail? Where is it skipped over? This painting is very famous, that's not an accident. Study it, be drawn into it.
Take into consideration the history behind the painting. Christina was paralyzed and had to drag herself across the field. Good Luck Look at the context of the piece... the "whys and wherefores". Read up on Wyeth and see if you can find something about his intent. Analyze the thing in technical terms... "Does that hard diagonal that throws you out of a third of the picture really qualify as good composition? Does it matter? What about that curve in the road on the left side? How does the composition work? Why are the colors so washy? Why did he use tempra on panel? Is it a good tempra painting? etc?"