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Why do people think that angels have to have wings?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the same reason they think god is a man or that he is white or that jesus was white (come on, he was arabian!!!). also the same reason they can't grasp so many other must open their mind and admit to ignorance before they can find true intelligence. people don't want to be ignorant about things like they pretend they know. Because they have never met an angel and the only reference they have is Renaissance painters renditions of angels. Because of the times that the Bible mentions wings look in Isa. and Eze.. For the same reason that most people think the Devil has horns. How else are they going to fly? because that is the mental image hammered into people's minds for many centuries by occidental evangelists. Why is everyone so worried about what these people/things looked like? It doesn't matter. What matters is what they represent or what they do/did. I don't think God has an appearance, I think he is a presense. He's there, but he's definately not something you can touch. Jesus was the personification of him, but still, it really doesn't matter what he looked like, or what angels look like. People think angels have wings because most of their induction to angels has been through christian artwork originally intended for the uneducated masses in which angels had wings, demons had horns, and saints had halos of light. Many of these traditions in art have continued. In fact of the three types of angels only one has wings...the cherubim. The cherubim, of course, would, to those brought up in a Judeo-Christian society, be their first thought of angels as they were the angels depicted on the Ark of the Covenant!