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Native Americans exterminated animals?

Had native Americans (Indians) exterminated the mastodont, American zebra, and a numerous variety of animals in America?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well that was far long enough ago it's rather hard to know what any humans did back then other then the small clues they left for us today.

For one... it's called eating. Even if there was only one left...hey if there was only one loaf of bread and your family was hungry with little else, you'd grab it.

As for the extinction of such animals...I highly doubt people were the sole reason. Those creatures wouldn't have put up nearly the pressure animals today deal with from us and end up extinct. More then likely they just couldn't last in a changing world. If their number dwindled because of it, wouldn't be hard for meat eaters of all kinds to lessen those numbers. Ever hear of books? Try one sometime i think your right There's always a possibility that an animal became extinct due to hunting. Look at what sailors and their dogs did to the dodo and what hunters did to the passenger pigeon.

There's an equal possibility that climate change caused an extinction or the introduction of a new animal. Look at the polar bear. Yes, much the same way european illegals shot the buffalos till they disappeared. Note the word "illegal". Same thing you call people who come into this country without authorization. The Europeans wiped out the Lions in their country among other animals. Also examine the Native American population. What are their numbers and Why, Mr. Einstein??? Where did you hear that. The indians were very frugal about taking from nature . Remember it was the white man that wiped out the bison not the indians.