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Arabic calligraphy?

I need to know some information about Arabic Calligraphy, it's mathematical rules and so on??

I need to learn anything that concern Arabic Calligraphy as a Typography /Art

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Here's something offbeat, but valid, that you might find interesting. A number of languages on the planet are "sacred". That is, basically stated, the letters of their "alphabets" are more than just forms written on paper, etc. These letters-forms are carriers of "life force", because of their (actual) shapes, and other considerations.

Among such languages are: Sanskrit, Tibetan, Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, The Armanen (and other) Runes, Chinese.

You could begin an exploration of this, perhaps, life changing study, by looking at : *Sacred Calligraphy of the East* by John Stevens. Good Luck :)))