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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Have you anything in your family heirlooms that is defintely......?


Have you anything in your family heirlooms that is defintely......?

worth a lot or a bit of money...but, you would prefer to keep in your family forever?

what are the thing(s) and why and have you ever taken it to say the "Antique Road Show",or something like the show that is on t.v....that looks at what you own..and how much it is worth?
What happened?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I have my grandmother's wedding ring, which I've never had appraised, but I can guess is worth quite a bit of money because that is a BIG honkin' diamond on there. I'd never sell it, though. That's about the most interesting heirloom I have, unfortunately--I'm looking forward to the other answers.:)