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Is there a "human nature", in your opinion?

If yes, why?

If not, why?

Thank you very much!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Human nature keeps changing over the years,depending on the culture and economy and what state they are in.But materialism will never dissapear, I think. I believe humans always have been and always will be concerned with how many "things" they have and how much money they have, and who has the bigger, nicer house.
Like the cartoon "One Froggy Evening".. A mid-1950s construction worker involved in the demolition of an 1892 building finds a box inside a cornerstone. He opens it to reveal a singing, dancing frog, complete with top hat and cane. The man tries exploiting the frog's talents for money, but as it turns out, it won't perform in front of anyone else. For the rest of the cartoon, the man frantically tries to demonstrate the frog's abilities to the outside world, all to no avail. After his stay in an asylum, we see the haggard man dejectedly hiding the box in a building that's under construction. In the year 2056, the building is demolished by futuristic ray guns, and the box with the frog is discovered yet again, starting the process all over.
This is my point exactly.