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Ernest H. missed his last AA. What in the world could he have ben dewing?

As you should know, there is a strong connection
between, Hemingway, Pollock(the artist not the
fish), Steinbeck(maybe), John Coltrane. Hard
to prove, but definitely easy to support, if you
did not go to a medical school that stressed
doctrine more than your temperature, stop,
do not pass go, and do not collect your spin
doctor's fee.
I saw where a lot of rock artists were slaughtered
in their sleep for being potheads, alkies, druggies,
pill fanatics and so forth. But they have a legacy.
Some of us won't, unless theres a number on
the grave that tells how many times you chastized
or ridiculed or predicted the downfall.

Didn't mean to invite you to my club. Next time
I'll use a club, and change my name to protect
the guilty.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Your point to this rambling is? Are you arguing for the creative expression people feel granted by substances? Or perhaps you choose to argue that the greatest minds are molded by "drugs".

Here's what I will say: drugs are indeed a way to enhance a vision or message. I completely agree with one's right to the use of any of the sort (as long as the rights of others are not infringed upon). I also acknowledge that drugs have helped inspire some of the greatest concepts of art and expression we know of today. I will disagree with Pollock even being considered an artist (I personally despise his work and deem it tasteless, tactless, and without point or talent).