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Please help me..SAVE Shamu.?

Shamu is a killer whale in Seaworld Adventure Park in San Diego California. She is a whale in captivity, used to perform for our entertainment.
As she gets older and older, her life expectancy lowers. Did you know that orcas in captivity have a lesser life expectancy than those living in the wild. Animals are natures gift to us. Let us not let SHAMU still stay in Seaworld, then die there as well. We cannot use such animals for our entertainment. We must take action. Shamu has done her job, and she has entertained kids and adults for a long time. Also, animals are animals. Recently a whale in seaworld dragged a trainer to the bottom of its tank. Who knows.. this may happen again, and many may decide to put the whale to sleep. WHALES ARE ANIMALS, and it is in their nature to do these things. We can never be sure they won't. It isn't their fault. Click on this link to sign the petition I made:

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What a great thing that you are doing.
I've not only signed the petition but look forward to receiving bulletins on other initiatives to save animals.
I much prefer to see and interact when possible, in their own natural habitat.
They have always been able to put my life into prospective.
When I am in a reflective state and I'm able to escape to nature, I find them there it and it soothes my soul.
I find the serenity and simplicity to life and the problems that one believes to have, fade and recede .
This is their gift to us, living as they should,simply and freely.

Keep up the great work. Your petition is very well done!!