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How to make something I think I might do later on in life into a hobby as a teenager...?

I'm 15 and from the UK. All my friends are following what they want to be and what they enjoy. My friend who wants to be a writer is sending off her stories to be published. I too enjoy writing but do not have the natural skill. My musical friend is getting high grades in all her instruments. Music is my passion but I prefer to listen, rather than play and am not naturally talented. One of my friends uses her video camera and constantly creates films and videos. I enjoy drama and many people have said I should be a director. However, I do not have a camera and plus, I consider that, 'her thing' now.

My friend who wants to be a designer, designs and makes clothes and my friend who wants to be a beauty therapist , pampers everyone constantly and is good at what she does.

However I am stuck. I love music but cannot play. I would love to direct but cannot see that working. I enjoy writing but can never finish anything without the standard slipping. My only idea is advertising.

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4 months ago
I can see a distinguish a good and bad advert and it incorparates all these things in a way that is acheivable.

How would I incorparate advertising into my hobbies as a fifteen year old? Are there any oppurtunities to practise advertising?

Or is there a less obvious choice which I have overlooked.

Help appeiciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You need to stop trying to do what everyone else around you is doing and just do your thing. You don't have to decide now what you want to do for the rest of your life. Just have fun for now.