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Do you have a "hidden" talent?

A talent you've never taken the time to explore, such as art or music.

I've got artists on both sides of the family but I've never really tried to develop my skills and am getting tired of putting it off, but don't know where to start!

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If you think about doing something all the time you will problaby be good at it.To start off small is a good idea and as you get better upgrade to more expensive equipment.I retired and started playing a keyboard I had bought my daughter,I got pretty good at it so I got a full size one for myself .now it has become part of my daily routine and i really enjoy it.same thing happened with fixing things .I always like to tear things apart and see what made them tick.A friend gave me a broken lawnmower one day and i tore it apart to see if i could get it working.i ended up buying a book on mower repair and some tools ,it was so satisfying when i got it i can just about repair anything. mowers vaccum cleaners tablesaws nailguns washing machines dryers anything electrical.CLEAR YOUR MIND AND SAY TO YOURSELF IF I HAD NO WORRIES ABOUT MONEY WHAT WOULD I ENJOY DOING.