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How do you teach someone how to draw?

I've been drawing my whole life, and I don't want to toot my own horn, but I consider myself ... how should I say.... wise in the ways of art (haha). I specialize in cartoons, surrealistic, oh yeah and people, jazz like that. I've never learned from books, everything I draw I have learned from experience. Now one of my friends wants art lessons from me.... How can I teach him so that I won't feel clueless and he can actually learn something??

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4 months ago
when I say I specialize in cartoons, I mean Disney-style. In fact Disney characters are my favorite things to draw.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You can teach someone to draw by using geometrical shapes. Circles and spheres provide a basis for drawing figures, which one can manipulate this simple shape to make a grand work of art. So just teach someone how by using geometry and then you can move on lines and the use of rectangles to teach them perspective in the arts, and so forth.