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On soulmates?

are soulmates real? would you know if he/she is your true soulmate?...

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Good question.
There are different theories. Some people think your soul mate is some one your totally in sync with. You can finish each others sentences, know what each other is thinking, even if not physically together etc.

But what I believe is that your soul mate is the person who can challenge you on a very deep level. The person who makes you or even forces you to grow into your own being. The person who makes you find your True Self, by poking at those parts of yourself that are still in shadow, still undeveloped or unrealized.

I think it's the sort of person you make a deal with before you incarnate on this plane.

I heard a saying that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience.

And as other writers have written. We can have more than one soul mate, and it is not necessarily a lover. It could be a parent, sibling, child etc.
But they can reach you like no other!