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Creative with words!!!!?

ok basically i'm doing an art project representing globalization/lack of culture etc
my idea is to do this big painting depicting an everyday scene in a main city like london or new york. i'll pick somewhere where there are labels everywhere, billboards, shops, the food packaging that people are eating from. then all the words and labels i will sublety change to show the meaning of the picture, so they are still the same typeface, roughly the same length and if possible start with the same letter. so basically i need ideas and suggestions as my head has gone a bit blank

so far i have "naive" for a bottle of evian which is a bit obvious tbh

ANY suggestions would be much much appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!! =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

This sounds like a brilliant project. I'd love to see it when it's complete. The words don't have to be perfect anagrams, do they?

Coca-cola - Crack cocaine (cocaine was one of the original ingredients in Coca-cola, way back when)

Hershey - He-she or Hearse

If I think of more, I'll come back. You also ought to be able to do something creative with the alphabet soup of labels like: BMW, KFC, CBS, BBC, AMEX, Ipod, etc.