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What do you know about "Hudson Bay" Glass Jars? Value, age range, made where?

I have 3 glass jars with lids. With the lids on, they measure about 10 inches high, and 5 inches wide. The shape of the jars is square with rounded corners. The lids are round with a raised cross handle (all made out of glass). It is more of a cross than a X or + , as one side is longer on each lid. There are also small grooves on the top of the cross handle, which seem to coincide with grooves on the bottom of jar, such as to bind the jar together.

There are various raised designs on the sides of the jars. One side has a beaver and "Hudson Bay" (all in uppercase letters), another side has a Fleur de Leis, another has a crest type thing with a unicorn and lion, the 4th side is blank. Each jar is identical.

I've searched numerous times online to find info on these with no luck (which is kinda odd), hopefully someone knows something about them, thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Go on google and try and