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Not a question but Stop animals from being tested on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

This is a link to the ASPCA to fight cruelty to animals. Please help. People are stealing animals and getteing them for free and then selling them to research labratories. Help out to try and pass a bill sent to the state. All you have to do is enter your information and answer a quetion. It's so simple please help!!! Thank you.

Here is the link:

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4 months ago
heres the link

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Would you rather people test on humans instead. It is necceasary as morbid as it may seem to you. Why dont you let them use you since your so against it. That goes for the rest of you people who find this disgusting. By the way dont ever get a perscription filled for anything or that makes you a hypacryte.