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I need to know about Tragicomedy .. Greek?

Enough to write a paper about..
Like the characteristics and how to demonstrate if a certain play is tragicomedy, or something else.
Any links.. or if you know
I've been looking for like 30 minutes i can't find anything and wikipedia wasn't helpful

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These are a Synopsis of what a Tragicomedy are. read more on the sites or links given;
Essentually, A tragicomedy turns the people involved into recognizable, fallible human beings, it examines the conflict between might and right and deals with self-destructive integrity and moral dilemmas. Tragicomedy alternates serious and comic actions throughout the play, book or script.

Recent studies of Amphitruo have tended to highlight the farcical elements in the play at the expense of its tragicomic features. In large part, this trend has been fostered by the analyses of Lef㨶re and others, who have argued that Amphitruo was composed by Plautus directly from tragic originals, with no intervening Greek comedy to serve as a model. This new approach to the play has had a particularly drastic effect on the critical appraisal of Alcumena, who has come to be presented as a carnal parody of the loving matrona, offered up for the audience's amusement as part of a ludicrous sex farce.

This paper presents an examination of Alcumena in a critique of this tendency to reduce her to a mere "pregnant (and sexually voracious) lady" joke. In the figure of Alcumena Plautus presents, not a sensualist, but a traditional view of the loving newly-wed wife. While public expressions of sexual attraction between husband and wife were generally deprecated in both the Greek and Roman sphere, especially on the part of the wife, it was fitting and in fact expected that the young bride and groom would experience such mutual passion. The evidence of fifth-century Greek vase painting, Greek New Comedy, and both Greek and Roman wedding songs confirms that Alcumena is cast, not as the typical matrona of New Comedy but as the loving young bride bereft of her new husband — a Laodamia figure.
Language & Culture / Greek and Roman Literature. / Medea and Other Plays: Medea,Hecabe,Electra,Heracles (Clas by Euripides
Tragicomedy as a Running Joke: Plautus' Amphitruo in Performance

Since the 16th century, so-called tragicomedies have contributed significantly to the generic ambiguities which lie at the heart of this conference. The term 'tragicomedy,' however, predates the Renaissance by many centuries: it first appears in Plautus' Amphitruo. Mercury, delivering the prologue of that play, speaks as follows:
Greek Theory of Tragedy: Aristotle's Poetics as opposed to Tragicomedy
The basic difference Aristotle draws between tragedy and other genres, such as comedy and the epic, is the "tragic pleasure of pity and fear" the audience feel watching a tragedy.
The Comedy of Errors
five-act comedy by William Shakespeare, written in 1589–94 and first published in the First Folio of 1623 from Shakespeare's manuscript. It was based on Menaechmi by Plautus, with additional material from Plautus's Amphitruo and the story of Apollonius of Tyre.
Lecture Notes from the next site on this material;
The History of Troilus and Cressida (a Satiric Tragedy or Tragicomedy)- the 3rd longest Shakespeare play
Hope this helps for your studies,