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What is the meaning of the poem by anne spencer "white things"?

techniques of the poem,style poem??s rhythm, rhyme scheme and form? How are the contrasts between the first and second stanzas used to reinforce its meaning?

What seems to be the poem??s subject? What are some unusual aspects of its portrayal of nature?

2. What is meant by the statement, ??Black men are most men, but the white are free!???

3. Can you describe the poem??s rhythm, rhyme scheme and form? How are the contrasts between the first and second stanzas used to reinforce its meaning?

4. What is especially shocking about the image of the laughing child?

5. Do you think this poem is effective in presenting its subject? How would you compare it with similar poems we have read

Can people answer this question ASAP please and thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

This is what I could find:
The concerns of the two stanzas culminate in the last four lines. In the first stanza the white man has tried to dominate nature—both physical objects and human beings. God is nature, and in trying to control nature the white man has endeavored to control God, which the concluding lines of the second stanza reiterate. Destruction of the black man is a destruction of God??s works, and in doing so the white man with his "wand of power" has defied God and damned the majority of His creations—"colorful things." In his obsession with whiteness the white man is essence has demanded: "Man-maker, make white"; that is, that white things be the only things of worth in this world.

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